






Sylvana Coccimiglio, Director, Oppenheim Family Children’s Center at 重点大学

The Oppenheim Family Children’s Center at 重点大学 participates in the pre-apprentice program. 我们和来自不同学区的学生一起工作, and they are paired with a staff member to coach them in acquiring on-the-job competencies. 在中心工作期间, they will achieve skills that will help them gain employment in an early childhood program. 我们很高兴看到学生们在与学龄前儿童一起工作时获得信心. 预备学徒在课堂上很有帮助, 孩子们喜欢和帮助老师的人一起工作. 预备学徒能够与年幼的孩子建立关系. The experiences and skills that the pre-apprentices have gained are motivators for continuing to pursue a degree in early childhood education.”

者Amie Talarico

我叫艾米·塔莱里科. I’m a school administrator at the Lackawanna Trail School District; I’m the Director of Special Education. I had been looking for students to do job shadowing and other training in the Oppenheim Family Children’s Center at 重点大学. 我们最终改变了思路,申请了学徒前补助金.

我们很高兴有了第一批学员. 学生们对和孩子们一起工作很感兴趣, some of them in a capacity where they thought they would graduate and go right into the workforce and others that intended to go into teacher education programs. The benefit for them is that they did get hands-on learning while also working on dual-enrollment credit and the certification. I think the beauty of the pre-apprenticeship program is that what the students get at the end really is stackable. 学生可以在童年早期离开这个项目并进入劳动力市场, or a student could continue on and use credits earned toward an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree. 学生们表示他们喜欢课堂体验. I think anytime you can offer them something that is so flexible where they can go right into the workforce or they can pursue more education, 我认为这是现在的学生真正想要的.

我们的学校很小. 我们总共只有不到一千名学生. 所以我们一直在寻找将编程带给学生的方法, 很多时候, it is with community resources because we don’t necessarily have enough students to hire a teacher in an early childhood department. 适合高中三年级和四年级学生, we are looking for really good workplace experiences as well as classes that we are not able to offer on site. II think the CDA offered both for our students, and I think any school can benefit from this.

特别是在我们地区, 我们主要合作的CTC没有早期儿童项目, 所以这不是一个选择. 我们是两个县的学校,所以我们也可以使用拉克万纳县CTC. 但是这个项目的席位, 因为我们的主要项目是在萨斯奎哈纳县反恐中心, 并不总是可用的. CTC通常是满的,我们的学生不能使用这个程序. 在这个领域有类似的东西是很好的.

I was able to accompany the students on their first visit to the Oppenheim Family Children’s Center tour, 我们高中的学生都很兴奋. 我们的一位指导顾问也和我一起参观了, 从那时起, 他在这个过程中帮了我很大的忙. 他的孩子们参加了儿童中心,所以他很喜欢这次回访. 有趣的是, 其中一名高中生也参加了儿童中心, 我很高兴有机会回来. Both the students and the children were delighted, and the enthusiasm was contagious.”

High school students have the opportunity to obtain the credentials they need to become certified childcare professionals.

Cohort participants report that they were committed to the successful completion of the coursework and valued the experiential learning gained at the laboratory school. The support system provided to the students was viewed as a key element for success. Participants gained knowledge about the ECE field as well as related occupations.


“CTCLC有一个针对高中生的早期儿童发展项目, 10至12年级, 谁对从事幼儿教育有兴趣. 在19-20学年期间, 重点大学 invited our juniors to participate in the pre apprenticeship program. 我们有两名学生承诺参加这个项目并成功完成, 这一切都发生在流感大流行期间! I am excited to highlight that both students earned college credits as well as hours towards their Child Development Associate credential (CDA) while being enrolled in high school. 一个学生目前有12个学分,另一个有18个学分. Both are also currently enrolled in classes this semester and will end their senior year of high school with 18 and 21 college credits respectively. 除了, CTCLC now has 4 new juniors enrolled in the pre apprenticeship program who have just started their first semester of classes at 重点大学.

Aside from some of the obvious benefits such as a students being able to earn college credits without having to incur any out of pocket expenses, the first benefit that comes to mind is in regards to what our two seniors have told other students REPEATEDLY about the program, which is that 重点大学 provides all of the necessary supports to ensure the students are successful. This includes a wide range of supports from faculty and administration supporting the students to some simple supports such as giving students binders and writing utensils on their first day of class.

Another benefit to us and the students enrolled in CTCLC’s Early Childhood Development program is that the 重点大学 Early Childhood Pre Apprentice program allows our students to see the direct connections between what they are learning in high school to college level courses. Our students commented many times on how their classes at CTCLC helped lay the foundation for their college pathway. I think this is important to highlight because many of our students are first generation college students in their families and so having the opportunity to enroll in a college level course allows the students to see firsthand just how successful they can be in a college program. Both students repeatedly said there is no way you cannot be successful as long as you participate and go to class because 重点大学 provides all of the necessary supports to ensure students are successful.”